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Why Topptalent
Many companies — both large and small — face challenges with finding top talent, from candidate qualifications to team dynamics, to economics that fit their financial scale. Our unique solution for hiring talents addresses all of these concerns.
The qualification of our talents
KPI specific quality
Our talents have a tried and tested track record of adhering to KPIs and milestones. We match your company with talent that has a relentless drive to meet targets and transferable experience that can be applied to the role you're trying to fill.
Overall quality
Beyond their track record of meeting milestones, our talents are also screened on their soft skills include attitude, ethical values, energy, education, and English proficiency. We want to ensure they're amazing people, not just amazing workers.
No-risk trial
Every time you work with one of our talents, you will have a trial period to decide whether they meet your needs. If you don't find them to be relevant, you wouldn't be charged and can even keep the work they did until that point.
Your Team Dynamics
Remote working skills
Our talents are well-versed in a range of project management and collaboration tools. They have the ability to smoothly and quickly adapt to those used by your company.
Painless Communications
Our talents have transferable experience in their functional areas and can bring onboard concepts that are clear to all stakeholders.
Flexible ramp up or down
Although we hope you work with our talent long-term, you can scale your team up or down within a matter of weeks, not months or years. We have worked with companies to build their initial teams, fill positions for specific projects, and expand team capabilities during"crunch- times".
Return On Investments
Simple, effective pricing
Our Pricing is straight forward-work with our talents on an hourly, part-time or full-time basis.
Additional Savings
You don't have to worry about CPFs, medical leave, annual leave, 13th bonuses, terminal hassles, employee stock options, paperwork, equipment costs, transport & communications, residency visa, and all these nitty-gritty, we take care of all of it.
Team Value
Company value is impacted by your ability to hire the right team. With us, you do not spend time and resources interviewing and recruiting. We enable your company to scale up and launch faster.